

Vue.js Library for handling REST service requests with caching, aggregation and model definitions.

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Model definitions

Define your backend REST services as models and use them for simple usage in your frontend.

Service requests

Reduce your service request load with request caching and aggregation.

Field rendering

Define the display and input rendering of your fields at one point and receive consistent representation of your fields.

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# Installation

npm install vue-service-model

# Examples

Definition of a simple ServiceModel without using fields. https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/ is being used as an example REST JSON service.

import {ServiceModel, Field} from 'vue-service-model'

class Album extends ServiceModel {
  // Define service url
  static urls = 'https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/albums/'

  // Define model fields
  static fieldsDef = {
    id: new Field({primaryKey: true}),
    title: new Field()

// Retrieve all albums from /albums/
const allAlbums = await Album.objects.list()

// Retrieve specific album from /albums/1/
const album = await Album.objects.detail(1)

// Retrieve value for field title
await album.val.title // Output: Album title

// Set new title for album
album.val.title = 'Updated album'

// Update album by doing a PUT request to /albums/1/
await album.update()

# Mapping of service URLs to vue-service-model methods

Url HTTP Method vue-service-model methods
/albums/ GET Album.objects.list()
/albums/ POST Album.objects.create() or album.create()
/albums/{pk}/ GET Album.objects.detail() or album.reload()
/albums/{pk}/ PUT Album.objects.update() or album.update()
/albums/{pk}/ DELETE Album.objects.delete() or album.delete()

# Rendering:

By using a common component DisplayField you can render the value of a field for display purpose anywhere in your application with the same output.

<display-field :model="album" field-name="title"/>

Or InputField for an input field.

<input-field :model="album" field-name="title"/>

# Contribution

Feel free to create an issue for bugs, feature requests, suggestions or any idea you have. You can also add a pull request with your implementation.

It would please me to hear from your experience.

I used some ideas and names from django (opens new window), django REST framework (opens new window), ag-Grid (opens new window) and other libraries and frameworks.